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Episodio 3. Remision y biologicos. Pandemia y salud mental.

Episodio 3. Remision y biologicos. Pandemia y salud mental.

Valero et al., «Factors Associated with Discontinuation of Biologics in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis in Remission».

Howren et al., «Impact of Loneliness and Social Isolation on Mental Health Outcomes Among Individuals With Rheumatic Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic».

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Episodio 2. "Quien sabe de dolor, todo lo sabe" (Dante Alighieri)

 Episodio 2. "Quien sabe de dolor, todo lo sabe" (Dante Alighieri) Lederman, Seth, Lesley M. Arnold, Ben Vaughn, Mary Kelley, y Gregory M. Sullivan. «Efficacy and Safety of TNX-102 SL (Sublingual Cyclobenzaprine) for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: Results From the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled RELIEF Trial». Arthritis Care & Research n/a, n. o n/a. Accedido 24 de mayo de 2023. .